Streetdance One Style

Ansökan stängd
Åsa folkhögskola
Sköldinge - Södermanlands län
1 år
Ansök senast:
Ansökan är stängd

Lediga platser: Nej

Studiestödsnivå (CSN): Gymnasienivå (A2)

Internat: Ja

Kurstid: 13 aug 2025 - 5 jun 2026

Kontakt: Åsa folkhögskola

Telefon: 0157-695 00


Locking, popping, breaking, hip-hop, or house. On our specialized street dance course One Style, you can delve into the style of your choice and take your dance to new, high levels.

One Style is a forward-looking profile course for those hungry for valuable experiences and perhaps looking to pursue a career as a dancer.
The course gives you the chance to study alongside a dynamic and skilled dance group, to experiment and explore street dance through freestyling.

During the 1-year course, we want you to develop as a street dancer, both individually and with your coursemates.
You have significant opportunities to develop your own dance identity by working in small groups and studying various subjects such as history, dance technique, and culture.

About Åsa folk high school 
Åsa folkhögskola is located one hour from Stockholm in a village called Sköldinge. The school offers different educational programs, such as dance, music and highschool studies.

Åsa has a boarding school which means that you live at the school and take part in boarding school activities. The school restaurant offers breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday to Friday. The main language at the school is Swedish but the dance courses are taught in English.

At Åsa, we see diversity as a great asset. We work together to create an open and democratic environment where everyone has the opportunity to take space and develop.

Prior knowledge
You must be 18 years or older and have dance experience from one or more of the dance styles within the One Style course. The course can be very demanding both psychically and mentally. You must be free from injuries and be in good health.

Course length
1 year (13th of August 2025–10th of June 2026).

How to apply and audition
The audition will be done in two parts, online and live (online only for applicants needing VISA to take the course).
You'll find all the relevant information on the auditions and how to apply here.

Deadline for application is Saturday 15th of February 2025, 23.59 (Swedish time).
Note: If you do not have a Swedish social security number, send your application with your videos here.
If you have a Swedish social security number, apply via Schoolsoft here.

You pay a course fee of 500 SEK per semester. The first semester fee is to be paid before the start of the course.

Course participants living in the boarding school pay a monthly fee. It varies between 6,300 SEK and 7,900 SEK, depending on whether you share a room or not.
Note that the fee is charged from the first week, even if you are up to two weeks late for the course start.

Send your questions about the course and auditions to:  

Kursen på skolans webbplats (öppnas i nytt fönster)

Fler kurser inom: Dans Streetdance Improvisation

Jag vill vara en positiv röst för andra unga

För Wesley var dansen en räddning under en tuff uppväxt. På Åsa folkhögskolas danslinje lär han sig inte bara fem olika stilar inom streetdance, utan även att växa som människa.

Läs hela artikeln

Åsa folkhögskola

Det hörs, syns och känns att man går på Åsa folkhögskola. Skolan ligger vackert i Sörmland, nära järnvägsknutarna Katrineholm och Flen. Du bor billigt på vårt internat. Åsa är en mötesplats för folk från världens alla hörn. Deltagare med särskilda behov har möjlighet till hjälpmedel. Nästan alla skolans lokaler är anpassade för rörelsehindrade.

Läs mer om skolan

Åsa folkhögskola
Åsa folkhögskola
641 64 Sköldinge

Telefon: 0157-695 00 (växel)